Monday, October 04, 2010


The irony is I know why I can't fall asleep...
Too tired
Too much caffeine
No good reason what so ever
Not in bed
Just not trying

The truth is I know how this will affect my day tomorrow...
Will have difficulty getting out of bed
Will run late to work
Will look like crap
Will speed
Will feel sleepy/tired all day long
Will not get anything done to try to catch up with nap after work

The fact is...
I ?enjoy? this
I like to indulge my bad habits
I lack self-discipline
I like to beat myself up over it
I am emotionally drained
I really like the peace & quiet

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Was Gandhi ji a smoker?

Probably not, but this thought occurred to me because one of my patients in the ICU looks exactly like M. K. Gandhi, expect his race/skin color is different. He is as cachetic and this head is shaped just like him in pictures (the picture here was obtained via google image search). However, my patient is a heavy smoker with COPD. His ribs stick out more because of this, which got me wondering whether Mahatma Gandhi had been a smoker...

Saturday, April 17, 2010

One year, really?

Did I go one whole year without blogging? 2009 seemed to have passed within the blink of an eye. Although SO much happened... Life was different then. I've a baby now! Will have to re-visit in retrospect, next!